Thursday, 19 January 2012

Post Xmas progress...

...which is slim to nil on the MR2 front. Been a bit of a mojo depletion again recently. I guess weather, life and festivities have left me a bit empty. I have actually started focusing more on the MR2 than on the Camaro in fact. might be something to do with an increase in potholes or something, but it just feels rougher... or clunkier even... on rough ground. Some inspection underneath has unearthed worn bushes on the rear tie bars. Naturally, this is a mega rare and expensive part, so some of my musings have been on a method of getting around this...

In other MR2 news, i have bought new wheels. Clearly, this does not mean i have done anything remotely sensible. Far from it, i have went balls out as usual:

16 inch split rim Image wheels. Staggered too so should look a bit mean. 

Heres how they look trial fitted:

(Its all a bit Carlos Fandango at the moment though)

Fronts look ok fron this angle, but there is a good inch and a half of outwards poke here, and the rubber catches the arches with the slightest of steering turn. I might get away with changing to stretched rubber here... I hope. The other option is going to be coilovers to set the rideheight bang on. See here:

Not legal. Oh, and thats the good end. Heres the back:

Will need some wide arches here, as thats 2 inches of outward poke:

I have some rivet on goodness up my sleeve for this solution, but it will need to wait. The rear tie bars are absolutely destroyed at the moment, giving me the fear over every bump in the road. Need the inner bushes AND the outer balljoints changed. Currently concocting something better than the 200+ quid toyota only option, and it will look better too. Other advances in this are:

...clear side repeaters, and...

...clear front repeaters, and...

...a bloody good scrub. That white stripe has been painted proper since the pic, I just primered it to keep the winter rust out.

The winter is attacking other areas though... my window wipers are giving me grief again. As before the rod keeps popping off from the balljoint where it attaches to the motor. I have a proper beefy solution in the post, but for the moment I have no wipers...

Yea, so I had to bodge it today so I can use the wipers until the new parts arrive for my homebrew solution. I'll let the pics do the talking:

Have tried some various modified clips but they ultimately pop off. Todays ultra-bodge: a cable tie noosed around the base of the ball, and through it another cable tie looped around the rod. Essentially "handcuffing" the parts together. No idea how long it will last, but with nothing to lose its a worthy bodge!

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